Does your health insurance plan cover everything you want it to? Is paying for your out-of-pocket healthcare costs becoming a burden? If you need help with these costs, then you might want to look into adding a fixed benefits plan to your existing insurance policy. Having one of these plans could save you a lot of money, which is something that Best Insurance Group knows a lot about. Our agents can answer all of your questions and will work hard to compare all the plans available in your area. To get you started, we’ve detailed below how a fixed benefit plan works - if you think one might be right for you, get started with an instant quote!
A fixed benefits plan is an insurance plan that you can purchase as a supplement to your existing health insurance. These plans are not the same as regular health insurance and are not intended to be a substitute for comprehensive medical coverage. The purpose of these plans is to provide you with a fixed-dollar amount to help you pay for any costs associated with your healthcare.
You can use the benefits without restriction, for doctor bills, hospital bills, telemedicine appointments, prescriptions, or any other medical expenses. If you experience a loss of income during your treatment or recovery period, you can use the money for household expenses, educational costs, or any other non-medical expenses.
Fixed benefit plans are offered on a guaranteed issue basis, meaning that you will not be medically underwritten, and cannot be denied coverage due to preexisting conditions.
A fixed benefit plan is ideal for people that want cash benefits associated with:
You will not receive any benefits for: